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Deep Stretch Workshop

Deep Stretch


Our Deep Stretch workshop aims to release muscles in your body by deepening the flexibility of your hips and hamstrings. Allowing the body to hold poses for up to 3 minutes. By focusing on your breath, you are able to help the flow of energy in your body which in turn relax you into the posture, soften the muscle and deepen access to the body. This style is similar to Yin yoga


  • Instructor: Umi Aizawa
  • When: Tues, 15 October 2019
  • Time: 8pm
  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Price: $25 - 20% off for the first 6 clients to book in the studio*
  • Space is limited


This workshop comes highly recommended for people who are new to yoga, beginners or someone who has experienced an injury and wants something to help ease the pain or to support the healing process. No experience or flexibility is necessary, just an openness to learn.

What are the benefits

  • Calming and balancing to the mind and body
  • Regulates energy in the body
  • Flexibility in joints & connective tissue
  • Increase mobility in the body, especially the joints and hips
  •  Lowering of stress levels

What to expect

In this workshop, Umi will guide you through the movements, a step by step guide into various poses, where each pose will be held for two to three minutes. This is a one-hour session, plenty of time to enjoy the practice and provide feedback on other areas you want to improve on.


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